Saturday, April 25, 2009

What kind of sleeper is your Goldendoodle?

What kind of sleeper is your Goldendoodle?

What type of sleeper is your Goldendoodle? Many doodles sleep just like humans do! They may enjoy taking up the entire bed; they may just nap on the couch; some doodles even love just snoozing on the floor or in their favorite chair.
How many times have we purchased beautiful designer dog beds for our Goldendoodles only to discover they much prefer sleeping in OUR bed, instead? Goldendoodles have their own preferred sleeping positions.
How often do we walk in to find these terrific, funny doodle dogs full of antics, snoozing in various positions? Does your Goldendoodle have a particular sleeping habit? Is he or she a cuddler? A snuggler? A loner? A sprawler? A leaner? Or does he or she prefer to burrow under blankets?

We humans enjoy shopping for our canine, furry friends whether they are Doodles, Poodles or Poms. We love our dogs regardless of whether they are purebred, mixed breed or hybrid. Much emphasis is placed on purchasing bedding for our dogs when the fact of the matter is, they prefer to sleep on our beds, couch and chairs or floor. Dog beds come in a variety of price ranges. Some can be quite expensive depending upon whether they are designer beds or non designer beds. It has been my own experience as a Goldendoodle breeder that while these dogs enjoy being pampered and coddled, they are just as happy romping around outside as they are living indoors with luxurious accomodations. Many Goldendoodles are tomboys whether they are male or female.

Goldendoodles prefer to be where their human companions are, so they don't get all caught up in the glamour of designer dog beds. They are just as happy cuddling to a soft, warm blanket tossed on the couch. A Goldendoodle owner doesn't need to spend much to provide their doodle dog with comfort. They are happy to take over your bed, with your permission of course, or claim your favorite sitting chair as their own. But if you insist on purchasing a doggie bed for your doodle, make sure that you know what type of sleeper he or she may be. If your Goldendoodle enjoys sleeping on your bed, you might consider buying a specialty bed that resembles human furniture. Perhaps your doodle would be very comfortable in owning a bed that looks just like your own?

Does your Goldendoodle have a favorite couch or chair to sleep on? There are actual designer beds that resemble a human couch or chair. If you want to splurge, you can even obtain one to match that of your own home decor? There are no limits as to the types of designer beds available for your lovely Goldendoodle. Comfort, however, is the main concern. While some designer beds look fabulous, we must remember that your doodle isn't concerned with looks or colors. He or she is concerned with comfort. This is why they prefer to sleep on your couch, chair or bed. You've obviously taken comfort into consideration for yourself and this is why your Goldendoodle enjoys taking over your precious personal space. Who can blame them?

*About the author: Dee Gerrish has written extensively about the Goldendoodle dog since 1999. She has been a private, professional, hobby breeder since 1996. More information can be obtained by visiting her Goldendoodle World website.

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